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Intelligent Pipe Systems via the Smart Combination of Various Materials


Publikationsform: Fachartikel
Artikelnummer: 01252_2016_SP2_09
Zeitschrift: Intelligent Pipe Systems via the Smart Combination of Various Materials
Erscheinungsdatum: 01.01.1970
Autor: Thorsten Späth
Herausgeber: The properties of different materials are fundamentally different, and the available materials have always been combined with one another. Modern construction technology and looking outside of the box for other applications has introduced a range of smart ideas for combining various materials into the field of pipeline engineering. Composite constructions are taking over high-pressure applications, and sensitive pipes allow for continuous monitoring of both the protection of the environment as well as the medium. The usage of RFID chips has become self-evident in everyday digital applications. Documentation on piping network has now made some headway and components with recordable information storage devices have emerged.
Verlag: Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Publikationsformat: PDF


The properties of different materials are fundamentally different, and the available materials have always been combined with one another. Modern construction technology and looking outside of the box for other applications has introduced a range of smart ideas for combining various materials into the field of pipeline engineering. Composite constructions are taking over high-pressure applications, and sensitive pipes allow for continuous monitoring of both the protection of the environment as well as the medium. The usage of RFID chips has become self-evident in everyday digital applications. Documentation on piping network has now made some headway and components with recordable information storage devices have emerged.

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